HOLIX Horse Trial

Initial research on determining indications, tolerance, and effectiveness, including clinical, blood, and haematological examinations, conducted on healthy horses


The research involved 11 horses in a healthy clinical condition compared to a control group of 16 thoroughbred horses that did not receive the Holix supplement:

Upkeep of the horses:

The horses are kept in 3 different stable complexes in Westphalia and the Rhineland in Germany – in two cases, the stabling is open stabling, and in one case, it is box stabling with daily access to pasture.


Observation period:

The study regarding the ration supplement Holix Horse was carried out for 70 days from 03/03/2021 to 12/05/2021.


The study process:

The horses were subjected to clinical examination and found to be healthy at the beginning and the end of the study. During the test phase, the test horses were fed 1.1g/100 kg Hpolix Horse twice a day daily in addition to their normal daily concentrated ration. Fresh water was readily available at all times in water dispensers and water tanks.

The daily ration of the test and control groups at all three places was composed of the following:

   1. Hay/oat/barley/mineral feed ration plus mash feed under the use of straw and 2 x daily feed in box stabling with daily access to pasture.

    2. Hay/oat/barley/mineral feed ration plus mash feed under the use of straw and 2 x daily feed in box stabling with year-round open stabling.

    3. 2 x daily feeding with concentrated feed (Marstall Western muesli), corn, sugar beet pulp, hay or wilted silage ad libitum in year-round open stabling.

At the beginning and the end of the study, blood samples were taken from the treated horses. The examined parameters were blood count, differential blood count, clinical/chemical parameters of the kidney status, liver, pancreas, muscles, metabolism and trace elements, a so-called “large horse profile” in a large German-certified veterinary laboratory.

The intended use of all horses was not changed in the course of the study:

Young horses: Breeding, broodmare;

Riding horses: Breaking, leisure riding, dressage horse.


The following differences were identified in the entire test group (11 horses) when comparing the clinical characteristics to the control group (16 horses: barren and carrying thoroughbred mares as well as brood mares with foals) under the same upkeep conditions and on the same sites:

In particular, the riding horses, after being fed Holix Horse, demonstrated the following differences assessed by different riders/trainers:

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Natural Green GmbH
Waldstrasse 209A
51147, Cologne Germany